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We Are on the Right Side of History

We know, by now, that COVID vaccines are not actually vaccines, as they don’t protect from catching or transmitting the disease. We know also that ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) associated with such mRNA and Adenovirus Vector experimental treatments are actually nuking the immune system, leading to most COVID deaths at this point being among the “vaccinated”. We essentially know that the risks of such novel treatment, the highest and most adverse in the history of medicine, by far exceed the potential alleged and unproven benefits. Especially considering COVID-19 has a survival rate of 99.98%, higher than that of the common flu. We know that children do not need to be vaccinated against COVID, because they are not at risk of the disease, but they are at increasing risk of catastrophic and life altering (or ending) adverse events compared to adults.

We know that the vaccine mandates at this point, notwithstanding fundamental freedom of choice considerations, account for attempted murder, and if the already dramatic increase in “unexplained” mortality across the west, most likely vastly under-reported, is any indication, actual crimes against humanity. Or even genocide against whites. After all, China does not use mRNA or Adenovirus Vector vaccines, and populations in India and Africa have very limited access to these treatments. Especially now that vaccination mandates have been introduced for children in the United States and Canada, on the undocumented claim they are safe, and on the premise that adverse events will be assessed after children are actually vaccinated, and thus used for the experiment. Something humans had not experienced since Hitler or Stalin. With both ideologies, national socialism and international socialism, being two sides of the same coin as Margaret Tatcher had once said. We know denying medical care to unvaccinated people is vile, and we know the bulk of the medical profession at this point is morally (and many also financially) corrupted. Probably a result of affirmative action and the selection of people based on vagina or skin color rather than actual merit.

We know that if the “vaccines” actually worked, vaccinated people wouldn’t have to live in fear of unvaccinated people. But we know that people have simply completely lost their mind.

We also know that if masks, lockdowns, restrictions and other insane COVID measures worked, well, they actually would work.

Ultimately, we know science died the day gender was no longer deemed biological, gender dysphoria went from psychiatric condition to a norm heavily promoted by society, and masculinity, deemed inherently toxic, became a disease. We know our species lost its mind the day they came up with the concept of critical race theory, or the idea, in the name of tolerance and anti-racism, that we whites are all born evil, ironically, a fundamentally racist ideology. We understand that this chaos is the result of the feminization of the west, and the loss of core evolutionary male traits and characteristics that have allowed our species to survive and thrive until recently. The ability to assess risk, to use logic, to protect one’s own, male features, have been replaced with hysteria and incoherent insanity.

We also know Biden never won the election. We know January 6th was a false flag. We know Fauci is a psychopath and May a CCP agent. Or that Ardern, Morrison, Trudeau and Johnson are vile and incompetent tyrants. We know Democrats and Republicans are equally rotten at the core, and the very foundations the United States were built on are gone. We know all parties in Canada outside of the PPC are liberals sharing the same toxic globalist views which goals is to destroy the west and enslave us all.

We know it is fundamentally wrong to provide free accommodations, free medical care, free dental care, and free money to immigrant from Hel hole countries when our veterans are dying on our very own streets. We know multiculturalism doesn’t work and is an attempt to eliminate us all and our culture.

We know China is our enemy, but so are the majority of our own people, particularly white women. The very women who chant “my body, my choice” when it comes to murdering babies, but demand that we relinquish jurisdiction over our own body by taking a toxic treatment to protect them.

We know climate change has been occurring for millions of years, and even if we humans were responsible for it (we very likely are not), taxes would not change a thing. We know that wind turbines, solar panels and other allegedly clean energy are not, and actually have a larger impact on the environment than fossil fuels. While not working. We know that the vast majority of our species will not understand that even when many of them actually freeze to death this coming winter in Europe.

We know women never were warriors, and believing otherwise has destroyed our militaries. We know we Norse, including our kings, were males, were white, and were not black, let alone women, despite what Netflix may be claiming to the retarded masses.

We are not going to bother with the mountain of data confirming our position, as those who agree with us know all about it already, and those who don’t have reached such a level of insanity and cognitive dissonance that they would be incapable of processing the scientific facts anyway.

We know, every time we are called Nazis for wanting to maintain the freedoms, history and societies so many of us fought so hard over the centuries to build, that the true Nazis are the vile, despicable, intolerant and hateful left.

We know all this. What we should all know as well is that we are on the right side of history, and we shall stand strong. We should also understand we need to regroup with those who think alike and prepare for the worse. Because while we would like to be wrong, we don’t think western civilization, or maybe even our species, will recover from our race, as humans, to the bottom.