Best way to contact us is to send us a secure email directly to
Your request will get priority if you are a member of Sverðin.
* NOTE: You must have an account with Proton Mail for email communications to be secure
Alternatively, you can call the Víkingr on duty, Toll Free (USA/Canada), at:
+1 844 NORSKK 1
(+1 844 667 7551)
10am to 6pm mountain time, Monday thru Friday.
(excluding Nordic non-christian holidays, or any time the Víkingr on duty to answer the phone is raiding, hunting, training, fighting, breeding, feeding, drinking, or anything else your average Víkingr could possibly be doing)
We'd rather you communicate with us electronically or in-person. If you absolutely must send us something via regular mail, our address is: