The Hirðmaðr Training Program is for men who were unlucky enough to not get a proper Northman education as children (believe it or not, these things happen), who want to (re)connect with Norse culture, and/or who need to awaken their ancestral primal instincts.

Upon reaching the Hirðmaðr rank (level 1), you will have a basic understanding of Norse culture, survival concepts, natural fitness, and warrior ethos. You may also have the option to join a Hirð (Unit) and be part of Sverðin.



The Hirðmaðr Training Program is entirely completed online at your own pace, and is organized in 4 online courses:

Forneskja (Norse Culture)

This course covers everything you need to know about Norse lore, traditions, customs, culture and history. Completion of this course also allows you to apply for membership with Forn Siðr.

Lífa (Survival Basics)

This course introduces you to the basics of wilderness survival, including tools, psychology of survival, shelters, fire, water, plants you can use, catching your own food, avoiding being eaten by a beast, and the stuff that can kill you.


This course is about getting fit like a Northman, by developing functional muscles and body strength, completely naturally, with no gym, no steroids, and no supplements. Just your genes and your sweat.

Hermaðrinn (The Norse Warrior)

This course explores the fundamentals of being a warrior, specifically in a Norse context and how it relates to our organization. It is the graduation course in the Hirðmaðr training program.

This last course includes interaction with an assigned Úlfheðinn at your discretion.


Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive the following benefits:

  1. Assignment of rank as Hirðmaðr

  2. Issuance of Herstal (Organization-wide Identification Number)

  3. Allocation of patch based on rank (which can be ordered at

  4. Direct line of communication with Úlfhéðnar

  5. Option to apply for selection and assignment to a unit assignment, and subsequent field training to reach the rank of Hersir

Get Started

First, you need to decide if you belong here. Make sure you understand our masculinity (Mannskapr), our Code (Víkingalǫg), where we stand (Stjórnmál) and our Rules (Lǫg). Something you can live with? Then it’s easy. You just need to sign up!

How much? It’s free. Just kidding. The cost of the course is about 12 oz of silver! That’s only about $295.

And yeah, that’s for the full training package (all 4 courses, which can also be taken separately)…