You have challenged a Úlfheðinn or Berserkr to a fight. This is not a friendly fight. Please read the following rules governing the fight, and provide the required information for preliminary registration.


  1. You shall be a biological male.

  2. You shall provide a copy of your passport or other applicable travel document.

  3. You shall provide negative HIV, HAV, HBV, HCV, HSV-1 and HSV-2 blood test results performed within 30 days prior to the fight, and submitted no later than 14 days prior to the fight.

  4. You shall provide a read, signed, and witnessed Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement.

  5. You shall provide proof of medical insurance in the country where the fight is to take place, no later than 14 days prior to the fight.

  6. You shall provide proof of admissibility to Norway and Russia (including issued Visa), no later than 14 days prior to the fight

  7. You shall provide a copy of your travel arrangements, including transportation as required and accommodations, no later than 14 days prior to the fight.

Rules of Engagement

  1. Location of hólmganga is to be assigned at the discretion of the challenged party. Typically, it will take place near Sør-Varanger, across from the Norwegian border, in Russia (Pechengsky district), beyond the reach of modern courts.

  2. Form of glíma to be used during the hólmganga is lausatök, which consists of aggressive, loose-grip or free-grip, free-style wrestling and grappling.

  3. Fight is to take place on a defined area approximately 3 meters in length on each side.

  4. No firearm or weapon of any kind.

  5. No shield. No protective gear or equipment.

  6. No jewelry. No piercings.

  7. No clothing outside of Icelandic wool shorts, and no footwear.

  8. Damages to be provided by loser to winner shall be agreed-upon prior to fight, and shall involve a substantial level of submission, financial, personal, or otherwise.


  1. The first man who steps outside of the defined boundaries of the fight, or who loses consciousness, is deemed to have lost the fight.

  2. If you run away from the fight, you are deemed to have lost the fight, and you shall be designated as a níðingr.

  3. You shall provide damages agreed-upon prior to the fight to the winning party.

  4. If you fail to meet any of the pre-clearance conditions (except negative blood tests), if you fail to comply with any rule of engagement, or if you fail to honor agreed-upon damages, you shall be designated as a níðingr.

  5. If your blood test results indicate a positive for HIV, HCV, HSV-1 or HSV-2, without prior knowledge, the hólmganga will not take place due to health considerations, without prejudice.

  6. If your blood test results indicate a positive for HIV, HCV, HSV-1 or HSV-2, with prior knowledge, the hólmganga will not take place due to health considerations, and you will be deemed to have lost the fight.

  7. If you are not a biological male, and decided nonetheless to challenge a Úlfheðinn or Berserkr to a hólmganga, you shall be designated as a níðingr.