1. If you want anything to do with us, you need to understand and agree to our rules. If you don't, Far vel! (Hasta la vista in Old Norse)
2. Services and products are provided by NORSKK CORP., a U.S. Corporation (Delaware State Registration: 5620509, Tax ID: 47-3285699, and DUNS: 08-018-4730), under Norwegian and Danish ownership as well as control.
3. NORSKK is a registered trademark in the United States (U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office) and in other countries.
4. Any dispute with a member of Skjǫldrinn is to be settled by hólmganga under our own terms.
5. Any dispute with any other party located in any country is to be settled by U.S. courts, in application with the laws of the State of Montana.
6. Your participation in our training programs is at our discretion, and so is our providing of any service or product to you. In other words, we can decide not to provide you with training for any reason, or stop providing you training for any reason. We can also refuse to take you as a client, to make tools and weapons for you, and to sell you any product for any reason, including if we just don't like you. Money isn't everything for a Norseman.
7. You are not entitled to any information whatsoever, and all information we want to be public is already on our web site. So, take a long look at the extensive content of our web sites. Any other information, may it be our dick size, life story, or organizational structures, will only be provided if we feel like it, and on a personal and case-by-case basis.
8. The information we provide publicly, on social media, on our web sites, and in our materials, is subject to OPSEC.
9. You are responsible for your injuries or medical emergencies. This means that you will have to pay for any potential evacuation or treatment. Not us. Dream on.
10. We’re off the hook if you get injured or even die. Even if it’s our fault. And even if we fucked up big time. Yep. You will sign a Liability Release and Assumption of Risk before you start any training program. This means you won't be able to sue us, or if you manage to, your claim will be eventually dismissed.
11. You don't like what we do, who we are, how we do things, our culture, our philosophy, or our beliefs? Or you are skeptical, question our motives, or are suspicious? You think we're a fraud? LARPers? Just get off this site, and please, don't waste your time contacting us to whine about it. Whatever you think is your problem, not ours.
12. You must be 14 or older for all online courses. You must be 18 or older for all field training. In application of (Jómsvíkingalǫg, aka The Laws of the Jómsvíkingar), you must be no older than 50 to attend Hersir, Berserkr or Úlfheðinn training.
13. You must personally register and pay directly for the Hirðmaðr course. Registration or payment for the course cannot be done by a third party.
14. You must be medically, physically, and mentally fit in order to attend any field course, with much more stringent standards required in order to reach Berserkr status.
15. You must be of a sound mind in order to get involved with us. As a result, those suffering from various degenerative conditions such as Marxism and/or Communism are expressly disqualified from participation in any of our programs, but also from engaging with us on social media or through any other mean.
16. As per our ancestral, traditional and religious laws (Jómsvíkingalǫg, aka The Laws of the Jómsvíkingar), you must be a male (XY Chromosomes) to attend any training or activity that will grant you status within Sverðin as a Hirðmaðr, Hersir, Berserkr or Úlfheðinn (the "shield maiden" thing is a myth). Similarly, all combat-related courses are solely open to males (XY Chromosomes). Other training or activity may be open to women (XX Chromosomes) as applicable.
17. You must complete any course you have registered for within 24 months of registration. If any course is not completed within 24 months, you will be required to register for the course again, at your expense, and start all over again from the beginning of the course if you wish to complete said course.
18. The following individuals require pre-approval on a case-to-case basis in order to attend any course, receive any services, use any of our materials, and further obtain any status or rank within our organization: (A) Any individual part of any organization, agency, or group, directly or indirectly owned, controlled, funded or supported by the governments of Canada, China, Iran, North Korea, and the United Kingdom. (B) Citizens of People’s Republic of China and North Korea. (C) Those employed by a Designated Prohibited Organization. (D) Individuals holding public office. (E) Any individual or organization listed in the Official Níðingar Registry (ONR).
19. Members and sympathizers of terrorist organizations, as designated by Jómsvíkingar (JK) or Ásjárstjórn (AS), are prohibited from attending any course, from receiving any services, from using any of our materials, and from further obtaining any status or rank within our organization.
20. You are responsible for your own physical fitness as well. Not our problem if you cannot continue training because you’re out of shape. So, you better be fit, as in not fat like a dairy cow. Actually, for some courses, including Hersir and Berserkr, you need to be in exceptional shape.
21. There's no guarantee whatsoever that you'll pass any course or training. We don't embrace the concept of not exposing anybody to criticism as to not offend. You're retarded. We tell you. You get the skills, you pass. You don't get the skills, you don't pass. Simple.
22. We live by the Víkinga Code, established many centuries ago, and we expect you to do the same: Courage (Áræði) • Honor (Heiðr) • Strength (Styrkr) • Brotherhood (Bróðurleikr) • Loyalty (Einarðar) • Integrity (Dygðar) • Discipline (Agi) • Determination (Fastheldi) • Simplicity (Metnaðarleysi). You are expected to do the same if you want to reach and maintain a rank within this organization.
23. We also share Mannskapr, or some common values when it comes to masculinity and who we are. Probably a good idea if you are on the same page if you want to become one of us.
24. We hunt for food, typically herbivores such as ungulates, unless we really are desperate. We don't hunt for fun or trophy, neither do we normally hunt keystone species and apex predators, unless in self-defense or to protect ourselves. We never hunt wolves, sacred in Norse culture, nor brown (grizzly) or polar bears (unless in self-defense). Again, we never hunt wolves. If you are into hunting wolves, spare us the retarded logic (the very same ignorant bullshit used by Christians since the dark ages), and understand that hunting wolves is like hunting Úlfhéðnar, and clearly incompatible with this organization.
25. Attending Hirðmaðr training does not guarantee graduation from the course or Hirðmaðr rank (and thus admittance into Sverðin). Same goes with any other level (from Hersir to Berserkr). Attending a course does not guarantee passing it and getting the associated rank.
26. We decide if you're Berserkr materials during Hersir training. If you are, we will train you for free to make you one of us. If you aren't, no amount of silver will make us train you.
27. As for you potentially being an Úlfheðinn, this is not something we waste time discussing until you are a Berserkr, or until we realize that you've got it in you. As a reminder, you cannot train to be a Úlfheðinn. You are one by blood/genes, or you are not. Simple. If you a Úlfheðinn, you may still not know about it based on your stage of development (undeveloped, partial, or fully developed).
28. Field training gets increasingly more hardcore with each higher level. So you can expect to be miserable, to be cold, to be in pain, to be bruised, to be sore, to bleed, and even to break things. Obviously, we don't want you to die, but it is nonetheless a risk. You can also expect to be brought to your mental and psychological limits, and also to possibly even break.
29. A great deal of secrecy is involved at any rank within the organization. As a matter of fact, oaths of secrecy are required at every step of the way. If you are the SEAL type who can't shut the fuck up and feel compelled to write books and shit, or just talk, we ain't the right organization for you.
30. The teachings of organized religions, and more specifically Asatru, are toxic and the greatest threat to our beliefs, culture, traditions, way of life and freedom since forced Christianization. Active involvement with any Asatru organization is therefore typically incompatible with becoming a part of our organization.
31. Breaking our Code is ground for removal from any course or activity, and Section 56 still applies. So, nope, you still aren't getting a refund for being a kunta after accessing our materials or wasting our resources.
32. Willful disclosure of any privileged or otherwise protected or confidential information subjected to any oath or other non-disclosure agreement, including disclosure of any internal communications, posts or discussions, is subject to internal prosecution by Ásjárstjórn (AS) and/or criminal prosecution, as well as a minimum penalty of $100,000, or equivalent local currency, to be recovered by any mean possible, including but not limited to property liens, liquidation, and wage garnishment.
33. The use of any communication or recording device (including cell phones) is not allowed during any training or activity, and is prohibited on any organization property. The taking of any photo, video or any other form of recording outside of manual paper notes is prohibited during any training, course, or activity.
34. No smoking (including e-crap) during any field training or expedition. You smoke, you’re out. Simple.
35. Recreational drug use (including marijuana) is not allowed during field training/courses or expeditions. You do any drug recreationally during any field training/course or expedition, you're out permanently. Simple. Furthermore, recreational drug use (including marijuana) is not allowed for 90 days prior to Hersir training, and 180 days prior to Berserkr training. In addition, recreational drug use (including marijuana) is not allowed at any time upon reaching Berserkir status. We’re Víkingar, not junkies. Notwithstanding the above, chronic recreational drug use may disqualify you from any field training/courses or expeditions.
36. If you have ever broken an oath, if you refer to yourself as a warrior, or worse, a Úlfheðinn, just because you played some video games sitting on your fat ass, if you have stolen from us (including copyrighted materials), or if you generally do not act like a man, you are deemed to be a níðingr, whether or not formally and officially designated as such by a þing. As a níðingr, you are forbidden from using any of our products, services, and materials, and you are further forbidden from participating in any of our courses or training camps. As a níðingr, you are also banned from our properties and web sites.
37. Beards are certainly encouraged in order to provide you with natural protection against the elements, and in line with Norse culture and traditions. However, long hair below the neck, and/or dreads, are not allowed during any field training or expedition. This is due to safety, hygiene and predator control considerations. Similarly, face, ear, beard and facial jewelry (including piercings) are not allowed during any field training over safety considerations.
38. Face masks and coverings are prohibited on all organization premises, and on all courses (with the exclusion of gas masks during specific gas mask training).
39. The bread we eat contains gluten (rightly so), and the milk we drink, lactose. Milk without lactose is heresy, and we Víkingar settled the word fueled by lactose. We also eat meat, fish and other animal products because that's what our species has evolved for. So, we won't fulfill special meal requirements, as this would be an offense to the Æsir and our people.
40. The personal information you either voluntarily provide or is normally made available to us through open source may be checked against various intelligence databases, internal or external, in various countries, for risk assessment purposes, and to decide whether we are willing to provide you services or to associate with you. Such information may also be used to profile you in order to optimize your training or to successfully match you with another bro or tribe. In the event we see you as a threat or a risk, we may gather and store more information about you, from any source or through any method we deem necessary under the circumstances and at our sole discretion, with or without your knowledge or consent, and use such information to protect ourselves and our own as required.
41. All information about you is encrypted and stored in Ísland (Iceland), Nóregr (Norway) and Sviss (Switzerland), beyond the reach of what is increasingly becoming anarcho-tyrannical states, including U.S., Canadian, Australian, British, and European courts. We do not share information about you with any third party, unless you have been identified as a threat or security risk. For additional privacy and security, we also give you the option to communicate with us via secure means. In which case, data is not only stored encrypted in Switzerland, but also typically destroyed within a few days. See our contact page for secure communication information.
42. If you are a female residing in certain areas, including but not limited to British Columbia, Oregon, California and southern Sweden, any interaction with any of us may be recorded with a body cam or similar device, for the sole purpose of protecting ourselves from false claims of abuse, harassment, or assault.
43. If we provide you with organizational secure online accounts, all the personal information and data about you associated with that account, including Silent Circle, Silent Phone, Proton Mail, Proton VPN, Proton Drive, Proton Calendar and Tresorit, is owned by us rather than the service provider. Notwithstanding sections 40 and 41, we shall not use, monitor, analyze, share or otherwise exploit such information.
44. We may take any step we reasonably deem necessary in order to ensure our security as well as yours, including but not limited to the security of our organization, countries, assets, infrastructure, communications, and people, with or without prior notice of disclosure.
45. In the event we provide you with an organizational Google account, we may require your compliance with various security policies, including but not limited to two-step authentication, minimum password requirements, automatic erasing of your mobile device in the event a password is entered incorrectly a given number of time, or remote wiping of your device if we reasonably believed that it has been compromised.
46. We may temporarily remotely deactivate any camera or other recording application or capabilities on your device prior to, or upon entering any of our properties or compounds, or prior to, or upon interacting with any of our Berserkir or Úlfhéðnar, with or without prior notice to you, and with our without approval from you.
47. We shall not accept communications from you, and we shall not provide services or products to you, if you purposefully conceal your identity or your business information. This includes but is not limited to using fake names, hiding domain registration information, or not disclosing business/corporate legal information and registration. We provide all information publicly as required by law, including as it relates to state and federal registrations, and we expect those engaging with us to extend us the same courtesy.
48. All prices in U.S. currency unless stated otherwise. We accept payment in silver. We can also take gold if you really insist. Other options are credit card, PayPal, Norwegian Kroner (NOK), Euros (EUR), and U.S. dollars (USD). Of course, being Víkingar, we may also take trades for stuff valuable to us.
49. We also accept country-specific payments. (A) United States: Zelle payments to b13@norskk.com, as well as payments to our Bank of America account. (B) Canada: Interac Email Transfer payments to b13@norskk.com, as well as payments to our Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce account. (C) Norway: Vipps payments to #532017, as well as payments to our DNB account. (D) Other countries: PayPal payments to b13@norskk.com.
50. Some sales tax(es) may apply depending on your location and what you are spending your silver on. Which tax may be charged, at what rate, and on what product, is so complex in international operations with a wide range of products that we cannot reasonably provide details on here. So, if a tax applies, you should see it pop up when you check out. If you don’t see it, a tax may still apply, but in that case, we will just absorb it.
51. A surcharge may apply to any service or product we sell in order for us to recover the additional expenses we have to incur in some jurisdictions, including but not limited to as they relate to incompetence, corruption, poor insurance coverage, inadequate medical care, or inability to enforce the rule of law.
52. If we have agreed to defer payment for any course, you must settle your account within 2 years, unless another date has been mutually agreed upon. If you are on Active Duty and combat or medical circumstances prevent you from settling your account as agreed, you must notify us immediately to make alternative binding arrangements. If you fail to settle your account as agreed, you will be deemed to have failed a commitment, and to have therefore violated the Víkinga Code. As a result, you will be permanently excluded from the course and organization, and you may be subjected to collection proceedings as well as credit reporting.
53. Speaking of money... Most of our training camps are free. But we still charge for some other stuff, which, apparently, is a problem for some people. If you think, somehow, that we are going to spend our time, resources, and sweat, without any consideration whatsoever, for the benefit of some self-centered entitled little helvítis kunta, you are crazy. You are, however, still free to act on your own philosophy by applying to become one of our þrælar (slaves). Contact us for more information!
54. Money still... If you don't want to cough up some silver for the very few things we charge for, obviously, it ain't happening. On the other hand, if you just cannot come up with the dough, we may be able to help. Note, however, that you better have a very good damn excuse for being that broke. You also better be super fit, as every pound of extra fat you may be carrying cost you over $10.
55. In the event we have provided you with a course at no charge based on exceptional circumstances, you must demonstrate reasonable progress within 6 months. If you fail to demonstrate reasonable progress, you will be removed from the course.
56. We do not issue refunds, unless it is our error, because once a transaction is completed, the payment processor will not refund us any processing fees. Yes, this means we will be out some silver. So, instead, we may issue credits in some circumstances, as follow: (A) Courses, services, digital products, gift cards, and custom-made tools and products: No cancellations and no credit. (B) Other products: May be returned, at your expense, subject to pre-approval, for a credit (less shipping charges). (C) Duplicate transactions, transactions in error, incorrect products: Credit for future use.
57. Cancelled subscriptions are non-refundable, and are deactivated immediately upon cancellation. Similarly, if you lose access to a provided email/storage account because of your failure to follow mandated security procedures, your subscription will not be refunded, and you will need to start a new subscription to get a new account, as such accounts simply are encrypted and unrecoverable.
58. It is a felony to make a false statement to an FDIC-insured bank. A result of disputing any charge with your bank or credit union based on your required agreement to these rules before being allowed to buy products or services (including registering for courses). We shall prosecute such offenses to the full extent of the law, including felony and fraud charges, as well as initiate court proceedings, which may affect your ability to enter other countries outside of the United States. We shall also report disputed accounts as delinquent/collection to all three credit reporting agencies in the United States, namely Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
59. Shipments to any country may be subjected to VAT and duty on receipt, as assessed by your country's custom authorities. You are responsible for such costs.
60. If you are (or were) an Active Duty member of any armed forces in the world, with the exception of Canada, you get a 15% discount. Use Discount Code: JOMSVIKINGAR.
61. Members of Forn Siðr get up to 20% discount. Contact Forn Siðr for discount code.
62. Members of ÚLFASIÐR get a 25% discount. Contact your assigned Úlfheðinn for discount code.
63. Full fledged members of a Hersar Hirð (unit), who also hold a rank of V-03 or above, get a 30% discount. Contact your Unit Leader for discount code.
64. Discounts are non-cumulative, do not apply to dependents, and never did to þrælar. Discounts only apply to products and services we sell directly on our sites and do not apply to third party sites or products.
65. We don't ship stuff, as applicable, on our own skeiðar (long ships). We use instead third party postal services, and ship by air or surface depending on items and country of destination. This means we have no control whatsoever over how long it takes for the postal services of your country, or our own for that matter, to get anything to you. Delivery may therefore take anytime between a few days and up to 16 weeks.
66. We normally ship everything we sell worldwide, including APO and FPO addresses, as long as postal service is in place.
67. Depending on destination country, and to comply with local taxation laws, orders may be shipped from Norway, the United States or Canada.
68. We shall replace orders that have not been delivered within 90 days under the following conditions: (a) a tracked shipping method was selected, (b) name and address provided were correct, (c) custom duties and taxes were paid as required, (d) package was picked up at pick up point as applicable by deadline, and (e) we are notified of non-receipt between 90 and 120 days following shipping. If any of these conditions is not met, any loss becomes your responsibility.
69. Everything we sell is made in Norway, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Baltic states, Canada and the United States, with materials from Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Sweden, Greenland, Canada and the United States.
70. Products are hand-made in small batches and without a production line in remote facilities, often off the grid, following ancestral traditions. We are also facing exceptionally high demand for our products. As a result, it may takes up to 12 weeks for stocks to reach civilization using our own methods of transportation, and consequently for orders to ship. Once an order is shipped, we do not control delivery times, and depending on the product, your country, and your selected method of shipping, it may then take between a few days and a few weeks for the package to reach you. Please refer to notices on individual sites for current production/shipping status.
71. These processing times do not affect online courses and digital products, which are delivered within a week, and usually within 24 hours.
72. We grant you a limited license to use all materials and concepts provided in training, courses, camps, as well as on this web site and any related web site, for your sole personal and honorable use (Subject to Section 15 and other applicable sections). Any commercial use or any dishonorable use (like falsely claiming to be embracing traditional Norse spirituality to get a shaving exemption in the service) is subjected to a minimum penalty of $5,000 or equivalent in local currency, as well as current copyright legislation and more specifically our copyright policy. Namely, under U.S. law (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), you may face up to 5 years in jail, and $500,000 fine for illegally using our content and materials. Under European legislation (Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the enforcement of intellectual property rights), that's up to 6 years in jail, and up to € 60 000 fine, depending on your country of residence. In Canada, you won't go to jail, but you'll still have to cough up $5,000 per violation.
73. You are only allowed to use our symbols and (registered) trademarks once you reach a rank within the organization, subject to specific conditions, as applicable, as well as honorable use.
74. You may still die in the wilderness, or anywhere else for that matter, even after you have completed training or hired us for your protection. No matter how involved and advanced a training program is, or how good we are at what we're doing, it will not guarantee that you will survive in the wilderness or anywhere else, no matter what. More than training is at play here, including what you're made of, and your natural level of retardation (we all have one).
75. As a reminder, only way to get to Valhöll is to be one of the best warriors who ever walked on earth, and to die honorably in combat.
76. Specific terms apply with Forn Siðr, ÁSKUNNR, SØNNUNGR, ÚLFHEIMR, and ÚLFASIÐR.
77. Corporate and Private clients may communicate with us at their discretion and as per information provided on our Contact page, or otherwise privately provided to them by their personal point of contact.
78. We do not respond to any communication that is anonymous and does not specifically include the full legal name, contact information as well as business or corporate affiliation and registration (as applicable) of sender, or which promotes or otherwise supports, through its format or content, ideology incompatible with our spiritual and religious beliefs (yes, this includes emails with pronouns...)
79. We do not respond to any legal notices or communications via email or other electronic means.
80. We do not use AI for any materials, visuals, graphics, photographs, texts, course content, or processes at any level whatsoever within our organization. All operations are indeed based on the input and participation of live individuals exclusively.
81. We do not respond to media requests, publications, or broadcast, except through the courts at our discretion.
82. The aforementioned terms, in their integrality, are unseverable and constitute a contractual agreement. Breach may result in civil and criminal proceedings and penalties.
Version 22.0 (Updated 8 November 2024)