Canadian Forces Now Gender Neutral

The latest Canadian Forces General Message, CANFORGEN 045/20 CMP 021 20 131946Z FEB 20 (also available on our web site), orders all military personnel to go gender neutral and effectively bans the use of male as well as female pronouns, he/his, she/her, replacing them with they/their.

The new policy states:

Based on a recent CAF cultural and normative shift to promote gender diversity and associated inclusiveness, CFPAS [Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System] writing policy and guide will also reflect this new reality where sex, gender identity, and gender expression are prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Forthwith the use of gender pronouns such as quote he/his and she/her unquote are not to be used when drafting pers. Members will be referred to by rank and name or by using gender-neutral pronouns such as they/their.

The elimination of men in the Canadian Forces, and the deprivation of soldiers’ identity, is another result of Trudeau’s Bill C-16, which amended the Canada Human Rights Act to make “gender expression” a discriminatory ground.