Be worthy of the name MAN

2021 has been a rough year for everyone. From black lives matter bullshit, antifa aneurysms, gender reprogramming of children, transgender politics, the far left “woke” extremism, covid insanity, Blatant and malicious Government overreaching, the largest human rights violations since World War Two, to the subtle yet insidious erosions of our freedoms with the blessings of a broken and bleating herd, it has NEVER been more dangerous to be MALE. More and more we are forced to witness our essence denigrated and slandered, abused and blamed. We see our brothers flayed before a baying mob of mindless, slobbering subspecies of human and ask ourselves “How did it come to this? Can we stop this? Should we stop this? How will I survive? We are men, real men, and the survival instinct that makes us ask these questions is in our blood. It’s hardwired to our very existence. This is a natural law of being MALE and when we honestly and objectively examine these questions the answers are very simple and straight forward.

How did this happen?
There are two main things to look at in answering this question

1. The natural cycle of civilisation
2. The responsibilities of MAN

1. The Natural Cycle of Civilisation.

Humanity evolved from the primal world. There is no denying this statement by any logical, truth seeking mind. We saw the bison ensure species survival by breeding prolifically. We saw the wolf work as a team to bring down prey much larger than anything a single wolf could have by himself. We were content in our tribe, at peace with ourselves and our surroundings and in truly knowing our place in the tribe and the whole. We saw very early the benefits of being in a pack and naturally evolved to a simple life with clear rules and boundaries. Problems started when we stepped outside of our primal nature and tried to impose unnatural laws/ social systems outside of the natural. It can most simply be explained like this.

Death breeds Life
Life breeds Chaos.
Chaos breeds strong MEN.
Strong MEN breed safety.
Safety breeds weak MEN.
Weak men breed Death.

It has been seen time and time again throughout our history. Every major civilisation, in every part of human history, has risen and fallen to the same inevitable pattern. The rise of civilisations like the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Vikingaherr, all were in response to something chaotic ie foreign invasion or resource shortages mostly. So strong men fought and died and neutralised the threats to their pack. Bringing safety. As the years rolled by there was less need for a strong man to be always ready. So he stopped training his armies. He stopped training his boys. He listened to women instead of his better judgement. He descended slowly but inexorably into a false sense of security, security created by strong men, that is only made FALSE because he surrendered his strength. He surrendered his ability to remake the world around him in his image. He became weak. Now civilisation has a problem. A giant unnoticed rot takes hold. A rot that corrupts the weak man even more. His ethics become compromised or non existent. He listens to women and makes friends of his enemies. He allows his tribe to be divided and preyed upon whilst strengthening his enemies with the hard work of his own tribe. He allows women, whose nature is tend and befriend, to take away his strength through manipulation, lying, coercion and using sex as a weapon. No matter how you look at it, Weak “men” are a cancerous growth that can only be cured by cutting it out or burning it down. Weak men breed Death!

2. The responsibility of MAN

The other side of the coin is our responsibilities as real MEN.

Man is responsible for his choices. Period. No one can take away his right to choose. His body his life. This means, however, that his consequences are his also. Welcome to the consequences of mans choice! I can hear you all now “fuck you im not the issue I haven’t supported left wing bullshit or pushed insanity on children.” Good. I would expect that of any one who calls himself a MAN. But you are missing the point. This situation didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t happen in years. It took over a CENTURY. A century of a few hard lining “men” pushing progressive agendas that took man out of his primary role to lead and protect. It was “men” who went against the natural order, “men” who gave up their power to jealous envious women. As a side note. the suffragette movement didn’t get the vote for women. Men had to give it to them! Most women didn’t want the vote as they saw it as more work for them. It was pushed on them against their own wishes by a few WEAK men listening to their wives not their guts. “men” who were fundamentally good but stayed quiet and allowed evil to flourish. How many of you spoke up when you saw strangers acting like savages? Or wrote letters to the government? Or armed your friends and neighbours and prepared for war? I actually suspect the vast majority of you did try your best with friends and family and anyone who would listen! And also, like me, very rapidly grew sick of banging our heads against the hollow minds of our people, our tribe, who seem oblivious to the truth. How did this happen? We stopped being MEN. I mean real men. The men we saw as gods when we were children. The man who did what he said. The man whose mind was unbreakable. The solid strong oak tree that was his tribes anchor in the storms and shade in the heat. That man is dying out fast and the world is suffering for it. By his strength he made the world safe and prosperous for his tribe. But by making it safe, he removed the need to sharpen and train survival instinct. Gone was the need to sleep lightly. Gone was need to train every man for war. Gone was the need to sweat and bleed and endure for the sake of your whole tribe. Mans biggest failure was forgetting his pack. By being true to his nature, man removed those things around him that threatened him and his tribe and made his world safe. He allowed rot to enter his tribe and he didn’t even realise the danger. How did this happen? Once again we failed to learn from the mistakes of our ancestors. We MEN became complacent. We became soft and COMFORTABLE we forgot that in all things MAN is responsible for his actions. That without the crucible and intense heat there is no purity, no improvement, only corrosion and entropy. We forgot to be MEN!

Can we save this? SHOULD we save it?

These are very simple questions that people make unnecessarily complex. The short answer is yes of course we can save this. We are men and unstoppable when united towards a common goal. There is no question at all about whether we could save this if we tried. But should we? Is it wise to waste our limited resources on fighting a losing battle? Do we have an obligation to defend everyone? Does someone who wants my kind (strong MEN) destroyed even earn the right to my strength? Look to the wolf pack for your answer! Wolf suffers no invaders. Wolf protects and hunts together. Wolf is eternally patient with his offspring. Wolf never backs away from a challenge. Wolf never forgets his pack and makes every choice for his packs benefit not just his. Wolf feels no guilt at his enemies death. No shame at being naked. The wolf appears content with his place in the world because he stays true to his NATURE! Should we save it? As much as your heart says yes let’s save as many as we can, there is only one true cure for genetic corruption in a species and that is removal from the gene pool. We need to stop looking at ourselves as individuals and start looking at ourselves as a tribe. Start making ourselves face the hard truths. Truths like how not every tribe of people will survive or how the “MALE” tribe is dividing itself and eating its own tail. Truths like how being in a tribe has defined our evolutionary development for the entirety of human existence and all our instinctual behaviours are derived from the tens of thousands of Years of said evolution. Truths that force you to ask the question...

How do I survive?

The short answer is this
By yourself? Pure luck
By yourself protecting a dependent family? No chance
With a brother? Chances increase
With a group of families working together?lead by strong men excellent chances
Lead by weak men no chance.

How do I survive?
With a tribe. There is no other realistic and viable option. One man by himself barely survives two men survive comfortably four men or more build for the future. It’s just basic facts! The more of us there are the more the risks are mitigated. In theory this is basic . Very simple idea. Bigger tribe means better chances. So build your tribe. Work hard at finding like minded men who can increase your survival odds. Men who will train with you and bleed for you and kill for you. And then work your ass off showing them what you want to build. There is only one way to survive this really and it’s been said before. Build a strong tribe and disengage from the rot around you.

Final thoughts

Train your mind as well as your body.
Attitude seems to be the X factor to success in adverse situations so when the shit hits the fan remind yourself of this. “It’s a challenge not a problem.” Problems seem insurmountable but a challenge is to be overcome.

How you train is how you perform.
It might not feel like it but all that work will come to the front exactly when you need it . Unless you haven’t put in the work.

Be at peace with dying
Death is not an easy thing but by realising without death there is no life, and by being comfortable in your place in the wheel, you can lose a stress factor you have very little control over. Remember You can’t act logically from a place of groundless emotion.

Build your tribe.
Invest in those worthy of your sacrifice and shed the parasites. If there is no one like you BE PATIENT! It’s more important to find the one who makes you stronger then play grab ass with the first dude who comes along only to find out his bitch has his balls!

Remember Gentlemen to stay strong, Increase your pack but do so wisely, and above all else stay true to what you know is right. Don’t give in, don’t back down, and never surrender!

“Bare is the back of a brotherless man”
⁃ Old Viking Proverb