
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

From an American perspective, the 2nd Amendment is absolute. It was meant to ensure that the American people would never be subjected to tyranny. If history has taught us anything, it is that totalitarian governments always disarm citizens before they oppress them. Over a hundred million people have been killed by their government after being disarmed: China, Russia, Germany…

The right to bear arms is therefore absolute as far as we are concerned. Those who call for gun controls are incapable of analytic brain functions, as they do not understand that people kill people, not guns, that criminals do not seek a permit before they commit crimes, and that bearing arms is our only protection against totalitarianism. Not to mention that the number of deaths to gun violence is negligible compared to other killers, such as drugs (all gun deaths in the United States represent only 5% of all drug deaths). Or that nothing would justify taking the right to bear arms away from people.

From a Norwegian perspective, we oppose gun control as well. In our case, we have to add the premise that we share a border with an enemy, Russia, and it is essential for the citizenry to remain armed. Norway has the highest number of guns per capita in Europe.

Similar position with Canada and other countries.