LGB ✂️ TQ+

As we made it clear before, we take no issue with bisexuality, as long as a man breeds, and remains a man. As a matter of fact, bisexuality has always presented clear benefits in warrior cultures, and may very well become critical in the man-hating feminist modern western society. Our views are consistent with Norse culture and history (see “Sexuality: Your Dick Your Choice. Just Breed And Remain a Man” as well as “Viking Sexuality: While Effeminacy and not breeding is greatly stigmatized in Norse culture, bisexuality is not”)

This also means that we overall reject the modern gay social construct which seeks to emasculate and feminize men, and is a major departure from the way of things with Spartans and Jómsvíkingar.

Rejecting, as in disagreeing, however, does not mean that we want the gay movement suppressed. Modern society’s fixation on eliminating anything that is disagreeable is not part of our culture, which recognizes and values above all the innate freedom of any man. Freedom of expression is also freedom of speech. Ultimately, it is live and let live, as long as it doesn’t affect us.

We take issues, however, with associating a modern expression of sexuality, however distasteful to us, but that maintains biological genders and is in effect a natural human expression (LGB), with the absolute unnatural and aberration of transgenderism and the concept that sex is not biological (TQ+). Made much worse by the brainwashing - and even grooming at this point - of children. Something any decent man would agree is that a child, not being sexually functional, is not meant, by nature, to be exposed to sex.

The TQ+ part of the movement, therefore, is affecting us. Beyond the utter insanity of it all, the rejection of the most basic biological concepts, the utter homophobia (denying the existence of sex/gender is also denying same sex attraction), the level of degeneration on full display in prides (now excluding pretty much the gay/bi white male), the mind blowing intolerance towards us males (all in the name of tolerance, of course), it has now extended to further rotting all levels of society from within in order to groom children. Something we cannot possibly tolerate, let alone, support.

At this point, we therefore support a separation of the LGB movement from the TQ+ crowd. We support the same rights for all sexualities (there are only three, heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality), including clearly biologically defined sexes (same as genders), based on the laws of nature (LGB). But we vehemently reject the insane concept that sex/gender is a spectrum, is unrelated to biology, or any associated sexualization whatsoever of prepubescent children.