Swedes Were (Very) White

After black Brits, there are now reports, including from the (feminist) state broadcaster SVT, that the original Swedes were dark-skinned as well. Such claims, however, have no basis in science, facts or reality. Why? Because of DNA 521-year half life, specifically as it applies to buried bones.

DNA 521-year half life means that after 521 years, half of the bonds between the nucleotides that form the backbone of DNA are broken down by various micro organisms. After another 521 years, half of the remaining bonds have broken, and so on.

In the case of the 7,000 year old “Swedish” women (of course) claimed to be of dark skin, this means that only less than 0.0122% of the original DNA would remain today for analysis. And in the case of “Cheddar Man”, the human fossil found in England and alleged to be of black skin, this means that only 0.0007% of the original DNA would still be usable today.

In other words, there would not possibly be sufficient intact DNA materials left in order to be able to assess skin color, a challenge to this day even with intact DNA materials. Instead, skin color can be determined through biology, and namely that survival in northern regions simply required white skin in order to be able to absorb vitamin D (see “So, We Norsemen are White”).

The claims that Swedes or Brits were not white is therefore nothing more than propaganda.

For those interested in reading more about DNA 521-year half life, see “The half-life of DNA in bone: measuring decay kinetics in 158 dated fossils” by Morten E. Allentoft (and colleagues) from the University of København.