Know History

As western countries are sliding a little more every day into totalitarianism, at the hands of (e)vil(e) women of the likes of Justine Trudeau, Theresa Tam, Jacinda Ardern, Angela Merkel and Nancy Pelosi, one is to remember history, and more specifically, that the tyrant and dictator who killed the most people never was Hitler. Similarly, the ideology that ended the most lives never was Nazism or far right.

No, the worst killers in history were Stalin and Mao, both promoting Communism/Marxism. The toxic ideology that has resulted in the worst crimes against humanity in the history of the world. The same ideology embraced by the radical left that has taken hold in most western (now former) democracies, under the guise, of course, of fighting “fascism”, defined by these extremists, the actual fascists, as anyone who dares opposing their hateful agenda, which, unless aggressively opposed, will be the end of western civilization.
