Australian Tyranny

Australian culture is one of laid-back, don’t take yourself so seriously, help out your mate, big hearted ambitious nature. We love a laid-back lifestyle here enjoying many comforts and luxuries not available to the majority of the world. Our country, for the most part, is one of hard working, intelligent individuals who love their free time doing quintessentially Australian things, Beach trips, going bush with your mates for a weekend, BBQs in our parks, enjoying our numerous phenomenal national parks and connecting with our family and friends. This lifestyle has bred a nation of good hearted, trusting people who very rarely ever think about anything beyond their leisure and living the good life. While this is not a terribly bad thing it has had some adverse effects. Our trusting nature has allowed countless governments to slowly, but surely, censor, monitor, control and track our population with ever increasing magnitude as technology evolves. Why does this matter you're probably wondering? If you have nothing to hide and haven't done anything illegal then you have nothing to worry about, right? WRONG. 

The Australian government has used to guise of the covid-19 “pandemic” to pass laws, unanimously from both sides of parliament, that infringe not only on our civil rights but some could argue our human rights as well, slowly infringing more and more on our civil liberties and privacy, pushing the boundaries closer to a police state. From enforcing ineffective lockdowns, mandatory mask wearing (that have had no effect to our infection rate), required tracking app when out of the house controlled by the state and federally governments, to even such extremes as doing police flyovers of people's houses informing them that they are under curfew and can't, by law, leave their house and even deploying the military against its own population. How mind boggling obvious does the government have to make it known that dissenting opinions and rebellion against tyranny would be met with such swift punishment by deploying our DEFENCE FORCE against Australian citizens. Let that sink in for a minute and really think about the implications of what that means to deploy the military to shut down free speech and right to assembly.  

Anyone even asking questions about the validity of lockdowns, masks and vaccines are systematically shamed, ridiculed and laughed out of the room. How can we as a nation have a calm, logical discussion about laws and policies that affect all of us if one side of the argument, who raise very valid points supported by facts and statistics from other countries get absolutely witch hunted and sent to jail (see the protest organizer who got 6 months jail time for using his right to free speech). This is something out of an Orwellian dystopian future that I never thought we could ever possibly even come close to in my lifetime. You would think that the majority of Australians wouldn’t be able to stand a corrupt, evil, tyrannical government that arrests, abuses, deploys the military against and beats its citizens for peacefully protesting unjust laws. People here need to wake up to the fact that the government does not have their best interest at heart who only seek to control us and understand that without us, the people, they have no power. Power resides where we men put it. As you probably saw from the protests in Melbourne that once the protestors moved past the initial line of police all they could do was move to the side and spray 70-year-old women in the face with pepper spray. We as a nation need, as a matter of our survival, to not let tyranny go unchecked and speak up when we see the misdeeds of evil people.  

The recent protests in Melbourne have not only served as a beacon of sensibility and civil rights and possibly the awakening of a frustrated, annoyed nation, but also shown the Australian police force to be one of the most corrupt, evil, repressive organizations to come out of this country in living memory. The police force, sworn to protect the citizens, us, has become the strong arm of the current government. Going to such extremes as pepper spraying and arresting a group of kids who didn’t have masks on while simultaneously not wearing masks themselves, arresting people who are peacefully protesting against laws that are not required, pepper spraying a 70 year old Melbourne woman anti-lockdown protestor while not wearing masks, enforcing travel restrictions interstate and overseas trapping people on this god forsaken island, arresting a pregnant woman in her own home who did nothing more than encourage the anti-lockdown protests on social media without a warrant or due cause to enter her home. 

I personally find what is going on in my country as abhorrent, tyrannical, immoral, unjust, evil, cruel and well on the road to becoming a police state. We need to collectively rise up and tell the government that we won't be controlled or defeated. This injustice can not stand, will not stand. Australians are sick to death of your retarded lockdowns, using them as a guise and cover up to experiment and control us.

You won't win.