Bare is the Back of a Brotherless Man

So true in many ways is the ancient Norse proverb, “bare is the back of a brotherless man”. For many years my back was bare, and sometimes I wish there was more to the phrase. I personally would add: “and the brotherless man will lie dead in the end.” Many will attest that alone a man can be great, but with his brother a man can achieve even greater things than he imagined.

Men are meant by their nature to have this bond, to have brothers they can rely on and to help them achieve even greater feats than they could alone. Brothers push each other not just physically, but mentally and spiritually to grow and become better; not just for themselves, but for each other. So strong is this bond that even distance is simply a small obstacle for those who truly care for their brothers.

Women cannot understand this bond. They see it as a mere passing friendship that will end sooner or later. Once they see the potential of this bond, they will stop at nothing to end it as quickly as possible, in a manner that will also cause the most damage to everyone involved: you, your brothers, and even those who aren’t actually involved. To put this danger in perspective, though, such scheming won’t work if unless the man stays firmly loyal to his brother or brothers.

Most males today fail to understand even the concept of brotherhood and cannot even see it when it’s in front of them. Many go so far as to ridicule it, and fail to understand the innate drive to find this brotherhood, labeling it as “being gay” or “being unable to find a woman”. What these males today don’t understand is that finding brotherhood is a biological urge, a necessary characteristic of intact men, which they have not been able to find even a semblance of, as most have been constantly surrounded by females and the toxic femininity that plagues the modern world.

With all of this in mind, those men who seek brothers and this bond should keep a few things in their thoughts. Not all males in this world of ours and especially in this age are truly men, but instead are merely males (and even this term is applied generously). If you have or seek a woman, make sure or seek that you keep her at distance from your brothers emotionally, physically if possible, and take what she says with a grain of salt. If she threatens your brothers in any way, swiftly end whatever arrangement you have with her. Losing your brothers is a foolish price to pay for a life of loneliness and anguish with a woman. If time passes and you have yet to find true brothers, remember that it takes to time find them, and even more to develop this bond; though it can be formed quickly, it will take time to deepen. Remember that this drive for brotherhood is a biological urge, and like all such innate drives, should neither be shunned nor treated with hatred and resentment.