Iceland: Millions to Fight "Toxic Masculinity"

When you think that Iceland cannot fall any lower, and cannot depart any further from its Norse history, culture, and origin, another vagina comes along. Meet Thorsteinn V. Einarsson.

He is getting 8 million Kroner from Jafnréttissjóði (Equal Rights Fund) to fight traditional concepts of masculinity, deemed toxic, and harmful to… men. Emasculating men, has been his life long dream, according to him. So much so that he previously sought rapists to understand what was wrong with men (because all men are rapist, of course, except him. Allegedly.) Thorsteinn is also very, very disturbed that men may not embrace feminism.

His plan is to spend the money on education evening meetings (we’d warn men and women alike to not stay alone with him at dark), podcasts, and social media (you an bet his approach will be worshipped like gods by the radical left Silicon Valley.

Well, had Icelanders (well Norwegians) 1,200 years ago been like Thorsteinn, Iceland would have never been settled, with men busy chopping off their balls and discussing how harmful their gender was to the world around a cup of soy latte.

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