"Muslim immigration has harmed Denmark"

One might as well be honest and put it bluntly: The non-Western, and thus primarily the Muslim immigration, has harmed Denmark far more than it has benefited it.

Sure, there are a number of non-Western Muslim immigrants who are doing well, but there are also far, far too many who do not.

People who exploit our generous welfare society, who refuse to embrace Denmark and our way of life, and who directly destabilize the country.

The list of issues caused by this immigration is long and includes everything from crime to social control; requirements for special rights in schools, workplaces and swimming pools; utilization of social benefits; lack of desire to contribute to Danish society; lack of respect for authorities and direct insecurity-creating behavior on our streets.

It is utterly outrageous to treat the very weakest in society in that way

Just to name a few things.

The reason for the long list of problems that these too many foreigners inflict on us is, of course, firstly that too many come here, but also that we as Danes have not managed to make strict enough demands on these people and not at least insist that you have to behave properly and take Denmark to heart if you want to live here.

A very clear problem that non-Western immigration has caused is crime. There is a strong over-representation of criminals from non-Western countries. A look at the crime statistics speaks its clear language.

There is a marked over-representation of immigrants or descendants from non-western countries in the Danish prisons.

There has been an outrage of crime

Immigrants and descendants from non-western countries are overall overrepresented by 255 per cent. in relation to their actual share of the population in Denmark.

And not only are immigrants high in the statistics, there has also been outrageous crimes. It's not just a stolen packet of chewing gum at the local supermarket.

No, it's open street shootings, it's insane driving in the inner cities, and it's unprovoked gang assaults on innocent people.

Part of this crime is regular gang crime. The immigrant gangs have a readiness for violence that we have never known before in Denmark.

The immigrant gangs have a readiness for violence that we have never known before in Denmark

On BT's Facebook page, an excellent live report was recently broadcast about the problem, just as Weekendavisen carried a longer article about how remnants from the otherwise disbanded immigrant gang Black Army in Vollsmose hunt and mistreat, among others, the homeless in the area.

Homeless people, for example, are threatened with handing over their cash benefits, forced to sell drugs, and they are abused and have their fingers cut off if they do not comply.

It is completely outrageously scandalous to treat society's very weakest in that way, and it shows with what cynicism and lack of orderliness and respect these foreigners act towards the rest of Danish society. Imagine going after weak existences that way.

The immigrant gangs are and will be a destabilizing factor both because of the unprecedented readiness for violence they display, but also the fact that they do not keep the violence 'within their own ranks,' but also let it go beyond the innocent.

Thus, much suggests that one of the latest gang killings went beyond an innocent when he yelled at gang members.

Serious assaults on prison officers, not only during working hours but also during the officers' free time, are also completely new and have not been seen among Danes, for example.

One of the worst cases was when a prison officer was shot outside Nyborg Prison by a former member of the immigrant gang Black Army.

There is really only one solution to these hardened criminal aliens: Expulsion from Denmark!

All experience shows that resocialization programs are a waste of energy against this type of criminal.

We need to act more consistently with criminal aliens. These are people who benefit nothing, and whom we can so incredibly easily do without in Denmark.

They laugh at us when we in the best sense try to incorporate them into society, because the point is precisely that they do not want to be part of Denmark.

But the smeared laugh disappears and turns into despair and tears when they first sit on the dock in court with an expulsion sentence hanging over their heads.

Original article: https://www.bt.dk/debat/jeg-er-mildt-sagt-rystet-over-dette-kyniske-faenomen