All-Male Group

Associations, groups, organizations, or even companies that openly advertise being women-only and specifically excluding men are invariably praised, promoted, glorified and even worshiped by western society and the mainstream media. They are even endorsed by the courts in “progressive” countries (see: Women-only workout upheld by human rights tribunal).

Yet, male-only groups are systematically stigmatized and referred to as “misogynistic”, “sexist”, “hateful”, and even, somehow “far right” or “white supremacist” by modern society and the news. Their members called invariably “Incels” or “Nazis”. Even those organizations that have traditionally excluded women for centuries if not millennia. Interestingly, this opposition to us men sticking to each other only applies if we are perceived as inherently white, and/or of western spirituality. Societies, particularly feminist societies, not only embrace gender segregation as long as it is part of Islam, but even support the unthinkable as long as it involves Muslim ideology. From excision to violence and blatant female oppression.

This incoherence demonstrates the blatant inequalities in the feminized west between men and women, the serious cognitive dissonance of progressive ideologies, and more importantly, systemic misandry as well as a sole focus on the well being of women with a complete disregard -and contempt- for men.

In an equal society, however, males and females are to enjoy the same rights, human and otherwise. We therefore see our choice to exclude women and to remain a male-only organization as a fundamental human right, and a right that has already been extended by both society and the courts to women. Incidentally, our right to exclude women is also a religious right. Protected by law in many countries, including Norway, the United States, or Canada.

While excluding women and being a male-only organization is a fundamental and legal right, let’s address some of the reasons why we, black and white, chose to remain a male-only group.

A matter of cultural, historical, and religious tradition

First, it is a cultural, historical, and religious tradition that goes back to at least the 10th Century. Explained in more details in the fact check series: Viking Warriors are Men. Even part of the Laws of the Jómsvikings.


A matter of Identity

It is also a matter of identity. For the past several decades, women have been trying to redefine what it means to be a man (while vehemently opposing any men’s attempts at defining femininity, yet another example of the lack of equality in progressive ideology). Often at a terrible cost, leading to lower standards, feminization and demoralization of any traditionally male institution, including the armed forces, presenting an actual national security threat that will eventually challenge the most fundamental rights of women. Examples are, sadly, numerous: RAAF To Outlaw Bombing Operations in War Zones. Green Berets Lowering Standards for Women. Or ADF Covers Up Radical Agenda.

We, men, define masculinity. Women don’t. Because we are masculinity. We don’t want women to try to change what we are at the core. The very evolutionary traits and characteristics that make us men and have allowed our species to survive and even thrive. It is a matter of survival of our species for men to remain men. It is also our duty, as fathers, to ensure that our boys grow up to be men, free of the influence of toxic femininity. It is our right, as men, to shield ourselves from toxic femininity and the relentless brainwashing that we men are inherently bad just because we are men, and our only salvation is neutering and emasculation to become like women.

Ultimately, we are men and we want to remain men, without women trying to change our very identity as men. The survival of our species depends on it.


A matter of biology

Men and women are biologically different. No progressive ideology can change facts, science, and millions of years of evolution. Some of the most marked difference are explained in this article: Gender Biology. NRK, the Norwegian state broadcaster, also had an excellent documentary on the subject.

As men, we want to be able to freely compete against each other, without having to accommodate those with lower physical and mental resilience. We want to be the best we can be, this is in our chromosomes, without lowering standards to the lowest biological denominator.

Ultimately, evolutionary biological differences establish a need for men and women to each have their own groups, activities, and pursuits where they can each thrive based on their evolutionary strengths and weaknesses.

A matter of sexual choice

Maybe it is the feminization of the west, making actual men an increasing rarity, maybe it is nature, but we men here tend to be subjected to far too much unwanted interest from women. Of course, progressive ideology will claim that all men want sex from women. But this is incorrect. We really don’t. Even the straightest among us simply don’t want anything to do with most women, as we simply have standards (nothing is more of a turn off than a woman trying to be a man, invariably an epic fail anyway. If we want the real thing, we get a dude), and at the end of the day, it is our body and we do as we please with it. Those of us who are bisexual, and only have intercourse with women for procreation, are also even less inclined to tolerate relentless and constant sexual harassment from women.

Yet, we want to be able to go about our daily business, from building things to engaging in sports, shirtless as needed, so we can absorb that much needed Vitamin D when we rarely see the sun. We want to be able to demonstrate to our peers our exceptional levels of physical fitness. We want to be able to enjoy a sauna without being restricted with clothing. All this free of sexual harassment or unwanted attention from women.

A recent article about consent highlights our rights as men (it is merely the same rights women claim): A discussion about Consent.

A matter of protection. Ours and that of women.

In the current climate of women constantly claiming oppression, abuse, bullying, victimization, and harassment (sexual or otherwise) from the very men they claim superiority to, common interactions with women in our day to day lives and operations have become untenable. A look, an accidental physical contact, or a physical contact essential for a course (such as first aid, grappling, archery, etc…), a word, a tone, can all give rise to clams of abuse by women, with devastating consequences at a social level for us men, who can end up depicted as sex predators overnight for a mere joke to another guy.

Even safety policies relating to clothing are seen by women as somewhat sexist, oppressive, abusive, or harassing (see “Women on Arctic research mission told not to wear tight-fitting clothing”).

Incidentally, in excluding women from our group, we are protecting them against what they see in us as “toxic masculinity”.

At the end of the day, the very presence of women in any group today is a liability to any man.

A Matter of Political Views

Political views are protected under the law in all the countries we operate in. Our political views are that feminization of society, leading to an unprecedented imbalance between the two genders, are undermining western civilization and are a threat to the thousands of years of progress we men have achieved. We have reached a stage where everything feminine is celebrated, while everything masculine is abhorred. With totally acceptable trends aiming at the destruction of men. Literally. (See “How to Destroy a Man”)

A Matter of Survival

Ultimately, keeping us men as men (and women as women, which is beyond our mandate) is a matter of survival. Millions of years of evolutions have led to each gender displaying very specific fundamental evolutionary traits and characteristics that have been essential for the survival of our species. With the elimination of masculinity, and thus men, we are heading for extinction.

This is evolutionary biology. Science. Those of us with a fully operational logical brain can still understand, not detracted by emotions and lunacy.

Ultimately, it is our fundamental human right as men to interact with whomever we want, to give access to our dick (or not) to whomever we want, or to associate with whomever we want. No pressure, social or otherwise, no activist court, no media, no woman, no emasculated male, will ever change this right. An aspect of being men is having a ball sack and standing by what we believe in.

Far left and far right extremists occasionally ask if we hate women. We don’t, and anyone would be hard pressed to point out to anything we have ever done that suggests otherwise. If it is completely acceptable for women to have their own group and not to be assumed to hate men, suggesting that we men would hate women for merely having our own organizations is illogical and, above all, exceptionally sexist and misandristic.

At the end of the day, if our choice to remain a male-only organization makes us “misogynistic”, “sexist”, “hateful”, “far right”, or “Nazi” in the warped virtual reality of the radical left extremists, so be it. We simply give no shit.