Prion Disease

Prions are horrible little things. Smaller than a virus. They do not get destroyed by heat, resist digestion, remain infectious for years, stick to surfaces, including stainless steel, within minutes, and can survive in the ground for decades if not centuries. They are the cause of BSE (mad cow disease) and the human variant, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (with original claims that the disease could not jump from cow to humans... Like HIV couldn't from apes to humans)

If a zombie apocalypse was to become a thing, it would be the result of prion diseases as those affect the brain and behavior. One only needs to look at a moose suffering from CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease), a prion, to see behavior similar to that of a zombie.

Prion diseases are tricky because they usually take a very long time to result in symptoms. Years or even decades. By the time you see symptoms, a large segment of the population, wildlife or otherwise, is contaminated. One of the great concerns associated with the mRNA Moderna and Pfizer "vaccines" is precisely the substantially high risk of prion disease on the long term on those who took the vaccine.

Prions are an existential threat to the human species, from direct contamination, but also the loss of food sources when livestock or game becomes contaminated.

Now, there is an outbreak of a prion disease in New Brunswick, in Eastern Canada. Symptoms are described as:

It typically starts with uncharacteristic irritability, anxiety and depression. Then comes pain, along with insomnia, and a constellation of other devastating symptoms, including terrifying hallucinations, a loss of balance and co-ordination, and in a few cases, Capgras delusion – the irrational belief that family members or other familiar people have been replaced by imposters.

Yet, there has been minimal media coverage of a disease that has the potential for absolutely devastating effects on populations, with the focus remaining on a Chinese flu with a survival rate above 99.8%.

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